PhenGold – 14 Day Fat Burn Diet Plan

Most diet plans aimed at fat loss cause extreme hunger and fatigue. The PhenGold 14-Day Fat Burn Diet plan jumpstarts your weight loss and helps ensure that you do not face these common problems. Our plan makes it easy to stick to a healthier lifestyle and keep your weight loss plans on track. If you have been looking for the best fat loss diet, your search ends here. Our free 14-day fat loss diet plan can effectively:

  • help blasts fat
  • boost your metabolic rate
  • control mood swings
  • lead to overall weight loss and optimal health

What You’ll Eat

Along with making certain that your meals include a variety of micronutrients and antioxidants, this complete diet plan also focuses on adding lean protein, healthy fats, fiber, and carbohydrates that can give you the energy you need to finish your day strong. Let’s take a look at what you’ll eat when you start our recommended 14-day diet plan.

Healthy Fats

All fats are not created the same. When losing weight the goal is to lose the unhealthy fatty deposits stored in your body. To help you do this you’ll consume healthy fats on the plan. Healthy fats include plant-based fats and Omega-3 fatty acids. This is done by adding food items like seafood, dairy, lean meats, olive and coconut oil, nuts and seeds, and avocados to your diet.

Lean Protein

Your body needs high quality lean protein to function without feeling extreme fatigue. Along with essential B-vitamins, fish and seafood also contain Omega-3 fatty acids. Fish can be cooked in a variety of ways – sauteed in the pan, baked, steamed, and broiled. However, it is important to ensure that you cook the fish in a healthy way. That is, without using breadcrumbs, creamy sauces, or excessive oil for frying.

The plan will recommend a simple dash of olive oil, herbs for seasoning, and lemon juice to add flavor to your meal without loading up the calories. Lean meats like organically-raised or wild Cornish Game hens, duck, chicken, turkey, partridge, goose, lean cuts of pork, beef, and game meat are all great options.


With this diet plan, you can enjoy organic low-fat Greek yogurt, mozzarella and Neufchatel cheeses, milk, and cottage cheese.

Vegetables and Fruits

Fresh vegetables and fruits are the best sources of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Other than starchy white potatoes and corn, you can load up on all vegetables and dark leafy greens. Choose low-glycemic fruits like apples, berries, pears, and melons. While you can eat high-sugar fruits on our 14-day plan, we recommend that you eat them earlier in the day so the absorption of sugar is slow and gradual.

Whole Grains

Did you know that most of the nutrients you need can be easily obtained from vegetables, legumes, dried beans, lean meat, and seafood? The plan recommends that you eat grains such as brown rice, barley, bulgur, steel-cut oats, sugar-free cereals, and quinoa.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are chockful of healthy saturated and mono-saturated fats, fiber, and iron. This fat loss diet plan adds almonds, chia seeds, pumpkin and squash seeds, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, sunflower and flax seeds to your meals to keep your flavors fresh and fun. However, keep in mind that you’ll need to steer clear from nuts and seeds that are high in fats such as peanuts, macadamias, and cashews.

Beverages and Desserts

When it comes to drinks and desserts – our 14-day fat burn diet plan has the following strict guidelines:

  • Use maple syrup and honey to sweeten tea, coffee, and breakfast cereals.
  • Avoid white or brown sugar and any artificial sweeteners.
  • Drink only purified water.
  • Beverages like juices, sodas, and diet drinks must be eliminated.
  • Drink only 2 cups of caffeinated tea and coffee per day.
  • Enjoy decaffeinated drinks and green tea as much as you’d like!
  • Reduce your consumption of milk.
  • Sample Daily Meals At A Glance


Along with one or two cups of tea and coffee, unsweetened or with honey, your breakfast should include at least 8-ounces of water.

Sample breakfast option:

  • 2 scrambled eggs with spinach, mushrooms, onions, and/or peppers
  • 1 cup of melon fruit
  • 1 slice of whole-grain toast


During your last meal of the day, you can enjoy any unsweetened beverages of your choice, along with 8-ounces of purified water.

Sample dinner option:

  • 1 cup of seafood or poultry
  • 1 cup of vegetables clear soup
  • 1 small whole-grain roll
  • 1 salad of as many colorful vegetables and dark leafy greens as you like

Sweet Treats

A diet that makes no provision for desserts to satisfy your sweet tooth is not a diet you can stick with. With this in mind, our 14-day fat loss diet plan includes 1 acceptable sweet treat a day. Remember to enjoy your sweet treat before 8pm at night.

Some sweet treat options:

  • A frozen fruit bar
  • 1 cup of low-fat pudding
  • 1 square of dark chocolate (minimum 70% cacao)


The best way to control your cravings and suppress your appetite is with regular snacking. With this diet, you’ll enjoy 3 snacks per day!

Snack options:

  • 1 medium pear
  • 6-ounces of plain or vanilla Greek yogurt with 3/4 cup of berries
  • 1 cucumber with permitted dressing of your choice
  • 1 citrus fruit

Finally! A Diet Plan Developed for Real People – Like Us

The 14-Day Fat Burn Diet plan is not just a fat loss regimen, it is a wholesome weight loss and maintenance plan to lead you to making healthier lifestyle choices. Breaking free from unhealthy eating habits is not easy but if you consistently stick to the plan for at least 2 rounds (28 days), you’ll find it much easier to reach your weight loss goals. Remember you can lose weight without starving yourself, feeling exhausted, or being plagued with cravings. Here are some tips to give you peace of mind about getting started with PhenGold.

Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. If you do not get enough sleep, you are more likely to feel tired and fatigued the next day, making it even more difficult to stick to your weight loss goals.

In general, any carbohydrates or sugars you consume less than 3 hours before bed time just get added to your body as fat instead of being burned for fuel. Ensure that you have your sweet treat and fruits before 8pm at night.

Alcohol and your diet plan do not work well together. Alcoholic beverages only contain empty calories and sugar, so it is recommended that you enjoy your libations one glass or bottle at a time, or even better cut them out altogether.

Get rid of all temptations – throw out all processed foods, snacks, and junk food. If others at your home are not following the same diet as you, store these foods out of reach so you find it easier to resist the temptation.

Support your weight loss goals by ensuring that there is enough L-carnitine in your diet. You can do this by adding Vitamin C food items and supplements to your meals.

Why Choose the PhenGold 14-Day Fat Burn Diet Plan

PhenGold has been helping everyday people, like you, lose weight since 2009. Our unique and proprietary dietary supplement is blended for weight loss, fat loss and appetite suppression. Containing L-carnitine, caffeine powder anhydrous, citrus aurantium, cayenne pepper, and other natural extracts, our are tablets can suppress your appetite while increasing your body’s metabolic rate naturally. When you start your weightloss journey with PhenGold, you join a community committed to helping you achieve your weight loss success with daily challenges, exclusive weight management tips and more. Download our 14-Day Fat Burn Diet Plan and you can be on your way to long-term weight loss success.